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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Addicted to His Presence

Tonight I just received a call from a guy who was sharing with me his desire to change because he is addicted to drugs and alcohol. I felt this was a reaffirming word to me because last Sunday morning during our worship time the Lord spoke to me a word which has made me ponder the different spectrums of the meaning in what He said to me; “Addicted to My presence”. What I feel the Lord has shared with me over the last several days I feel it’s not speaking of being addicted in a bad way, and some might think I am splitting hairs, but I feel He was sharing with me a process we need to go through and not simply become satisfied until we are able to push through and lay hold of the Person of Jesus Christ and not just the external blessings that come with Christ. Heb. 10:19-25
"Therefore, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, LET US DRAW NEAR TO GOD WITH A SINCERE HEART IN FULL ASSURANCE OF FAITH, HAVING OUR HEARTS SPRINKLED TO CLEANSE US FROM A GUILTY CONSCIENCE AND HAVING OUR BODIES WASHED WITH PURE WATER..."
The Lord draws us in many different ways from before we came into knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and continues to draw us along with many different experiences. When the manifested presence of God comes upon His children we see different virtues of God and the experience is glorious to behold. Exodus 33:22-23, “When My glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will remove My hand and you will see my back; but My face must not be seen.”
But I have seen way too many believers get caught up in the presence of God and run here and there looking for the next big experience and fail to move on seeking the person of Christ, then when the experiences come to a close, too many find themselves falling back into a comatose state of existence in their Christian walk.
The sun’s rays offer warmth and growth for the earth, but would not exist if their source, the sun, was not there or we are in a room with people when a dynamic individual walks into the room sparking life and a charismatic atmosphere, yet we really don’t know him. We can’t continue to pursue His presence and not His Person. This is a warning to be heeded!
God’s presence in our lives is a by – product of His person. How do we pursue His Person? Only by getting deep into the Word and meditating, allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the very face/person of Christ to us, examining our personal lives (not the lives of those around us), worshipping and being obedient to His instructions. I understand that we must go to work, walk the dog, make dinner, etc. but our true passion is seeking the face of Christ. Also we might find ourselves giving up distractions that we thought we had to have in to order to seek His face, but Christ tells us to count the cost. Many years ago as I was walking and praying I made this declaration, “Lord, I just want to know You” and surprisingly, this is what came back to me, “If you really knew Me would You like Me?” For the first time the realization hit me that my preconceived thoughts and way of thinking of Christ; from a western, capitalistic, fundamentalist, charismatic, conservative view, could possibly be wrong. If Jesus was here would his comments to me be very unpleasant or sweet? I share this message not at the place of total accomplishment, but right along side you. But as we practice these simple disciplines throughout the week I believe the River of Life will over flow out of us making the Niagara Falls look like a drippy faucet.
I feel this is what Christ is speaking to me; to press in past His glory/presence and behold his face. P.S. From a simple minded country boy, “I think I will really like Him for who He is.”